Corporate Actions and Transaction Support.
Partner with us to seize opportunities every step of the way.

From facilitating mergers & acquisitions and joint ventures to guiding through IPO planning and assistance, we ensure seamless execution and strategic alignment. Our expertise also includes thorough financial, taxation, and commercial due diligence, alongside comprehensive valuation services, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence.
Why you need Corporate Actions and Transaction Support.
Zero business disruption
Let us handle the dirty work so you can focus on your core business activities.
Faster execution
Let us drive the process to close the transaction quickly.
Optimize valuation
Don't leave money on the table and let us help to calculate a fair valuation and negotiate.
Be informed
We'll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.
What we can do for you
Mergers & Acquisitions.
  • Identifying and Assessing Potential Target Companies
  • Developing Financial Model
  • Providing Advice on Deal Structuring and Strategy
  • Assisting Deal Negotiations
  • Assisting Development
An acquisition or merger may be pursued for several considerations, including product line expansion, market share expansion, technology acquisition, and many more. We can help you manage the whole buy-side process, from deal identification until transaction completion. Our network of potential target companies and decades of experience as buy-side advisors will help you achieve an efficient acquisition and/or merger process.
  • Achieve efficient acquisition and/or merger process
  • Strategic decision making
  • Comprehensive supports
Joint Ventures.
  • Identify and Evaluate Joint Venture
  • Assess the Best Potential Partners
  • Develop Financial Projections
  • Assess Market and Regulatory Risks
  • Outline Benefits and Drawbacks
A quicker alternative to acquisitions to access certain markets and/or resources, allows both parties to share the risks and limit upfront investment, which would be very useful if you are considering entering into a risky or nascent market. As a result, it is important that you select the right partner for a joint venture or alliance.It is imperative to set clarity on the responsibilities of each party and the strategic objectives from the very beginning.
  • Strategic partner selection
  • Comprehensive risk and financial analysis
  • Ongoing performance monitoring
IPO Planning & Assistance.
  • Underwriter and Advisor Selection
  • Diagnostic Review to Assess IPO Readiness
  • Pre-IPO Recommendations and Implementation
  • Business Plan, Financial Projections and Valuation Development
  • Investment Thesis Development
When raising equity through the capital markets, it is important to obtain independent advice. Our team has extensive experience in handling large-scale initial public offerings and rights issuance across various industries. In our previous engagements, we have acted as project managers throughout the whole process, from underwriter selection to the final offering process.
  • Expert guidance and independent advice
  • Comprehensive project management
  • Industry-specific experience
Due Diligences.
The due diligence process ensures peace of mind by validating information related to a transaction. Operational, strategic and commercial aspects of the target company are all scrutinized to validate the financial, taxation, and commercial implications of the transaction.
Financial Due Diligence
Comprehensive assessment of a company’s financial health, performance, and potential risks. The goal of financial due diligence is to identify any discrepancies, potential liabilities, or financial risks that could impact the transaction or investment decision.
  • Examine Financial Statements
  • Examine Historical Performance Trends
  • Examine Cash Flow Analysis
  • Examine Debt Obligations
  • Examine Other Financial Metrics
Taxation Due Diligence
Scrutinizes the tax compliance of the target company. This process uncovers the potential tax liabilities of the target company, which should be considered as part of the transaction.
  • Timeliness Of Tax Report Submission
  • Accuracy Of Tax Calculations
  • Fulfillment Of Other Tax Obligations
Commercial Due Diligence
Validating key assumptions and forecasts provided by the target company, identify potential synergies or integration challenges, and uncover any hidden risks that could impact the success of the transaction.
  • Examine Company’s Customer Base
  • Examine Competitive Landscape
  • Examine Sales And Marketing Strategies
  • Examine Product Or Service Differentiation
  • Examine Revenue Projections
  • Identification of Valuation Purpose
  • Selection of Valuation Methodology
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Application of Valuation Techniques
  • Reporting and Presentation of Findings
  • Strategic Planning and Decision Support
Our Valuation service plays a pivotal role in business by providing stakeholders with a clear understanding of the financial worth of investments. It involves assessing the fair market value of a company, crucial for transactions like mergers, acquisitions, and financial reporting. Utilizing methodologies such as Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and Comparable Company Analysis, we analyze factors like financial performance, market position, and industry trends to derive precise valuation figures. This service not only supports strategic decision-making and negotiation processes but also enhances transparency and stakeholder confidence in understanding the financial health and potential of businesses.
  • Clear understanding of investment worth
  • Financial reporting accuracy
  • Taxation and compliance support
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Negotiation and transparency
  • Enhanced stakeholder confidence
How it works.
Share your corporate action plans and transaction requirements with us and let us know the specifics of your corporate actions and transaction goals.
1. Identify Your Corporate Needs
2. Tailored Solutions
We provide expert analysis and strategic support tailored to your unique needs.
3. Successful Implementation
Your corporate actions and transactions are carried out efficiently, meeting all your expectations.
Expertise you can trust.
Successful mergers, acquisitions, and joint ventures
Due diligences completed
Valuation services performed
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